Membres du groupe | Correspondants

Chiara Franceschini

Coordonnées professionnelles

University College London
Department of Italian
School of European Languages, Culture and Society
Gower Street,
London, WC1E 6BT


Projet de recherches

The flesh of images/ La chair des images. Art, techniques de l’emotion et les limites de l’expression après Trent


Fields of interest

  • Early modern European history ;

  • Renaissance and early modern art ;

  • Art historiography and theory.


  • 2011-present : Teaching Fellow in Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Department of Italian, School of European Languages, Culture and Society, University College London. Grade 7 – 46% FTE. On leave for 2014-2015.

  • 2011-2013 : Academic Assistant (Photographic Collection), The Warburg Institute, School of Advanced Study, University of London, UK. Fixed-term 50% FTE

  • 2010-2011 : Academic Assistant (Photographic Collection), The Warburg Institute, School of Advanced Study, University of London. Fixed-term 100% FTE

  • 2009-2011 :  Newton International Postdoctoral Fellow, The Warburg Institute, School of Advanced Study, University of London.


  • 2008/5/29: PhD, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa(fullmarks cumlaude).Thesis: Il limbo e le sue immagini: tardo medioevo–prima etàmoderna(Limbo and itsimages.Later middleages-Earlymodernperiod).
    Advisor:Prof. Adriano Prosperi ;
    Discussants and board members : Prof. Carlo Ginzburg (Scuola Normale Superiore), Prof. Pierre-Antoine Fabre (EHESS, Paris), Prof. Salvatore Settis (Scuola Normale Superiore), Prof. Marco Collareta (Università di Pisa), Prof. Pierroberto Scaramella (Università di Bari), Prof. Michele Olivari (Università di Pisa).

  • 1997/12/18:Degree inHistoryof Art(Diploma diLicenzainDisciplineStorico-Artistiche), Scuola Normale Superiore. Dissertation:Lacommittenza artistica alla cortediFerrara negliannidiErcoleII. Commitee: Prof. PaolaBarocchi, Prof. Lina Bolzoni. Fullmarks(70/70)cumlaude.

  • 1997/12/10: Degree in Humanities (Diploma di Laurea in Lettere), University of Pisa. Dissertation: Renata di Francia a Ferrara: corte francese e contesto italiano (1527-1560). Supervisor: prof. Adriano Prosperi. Full marks (110/110) cum laude.

  • 1992: Diploma di Maturità Classica, Liceo Classico Galileo Galilei, Pisa. Full marks (60/60).

Fellowships & Awards

  • 2014 Fernand Braudel-IFER fellowship from the Foundation Maison des sciences de l’homme in Paris for 2014-2015.

  • 2014 Award of a two-semester Fellowship at the Italian Academy for Advanced Study in America at Columbia University for the academic year 2015-2016 (special working group on the relationship between art and the body, emotion and aesthetics).

  • 2012  ‘I Tatti Prize for Best Essay by a Junior Scholar’ (2011) for ‘The Nudes in Limbo: Michelangelo’s Doni Tondo Reconsidered’, The Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 73, 2010 [2011], pp. 137-180. The prize is offered annually by The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies for the best scholarly essay on an Italian Renaissance topic by an early career scholar.

  • 2009  ‘Newton International Postdoctoral Fellowship’ (at the Warburg Institute), from the The British Academy, The Royal Academy of Engineering and the Royal Society.

  • 2005  Scholarship at the Warburg Institute, London, spring term (under the exchange agreement between Scuola Normale Superiore and Warburg Institute).

  • 2003   National research grant ‘Progetto GiovaniRicercatori2003’, awarded fromthe Scuola Normale Research Committee.

  • 2003 Scholarship at the Warburg Institute, London, summer term (under the exchange agreement between sns andwi).

  • 2002 Scholarship at the École Normale Superieure, Paris, spring and summer (exchange program between sns and éns).

  • 1999, November: First place ex-æquoin the competition for a three-year PhD scholarship from the Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Faculty of Arts (‘Borsa di Perfezionamento’), November. Postponed of one year.

  • 1999, September: Award of a three-year PhD scholarship from the European University Institute, San Domenico di Fiesole (Florence), Department of History and Civilization, for a project on ‘Family chapels in Early Modern Rome’. Declined after one year.

  • 1996, Student scholarship at ÉcoleNormale Superieure ofParis, November and December exchange scholarship betweenSNSand ÉNS (exchange program between sns and éns).

  • 1992,  October:  7th place in the competition for a four-year student position from the Scuola Normale Superiore, Faculty of Arts.


Research activities and Teaching


Italian (native), English (fluent), French (fluent), German (passable), Spanish (reading knowledge), Latin (good), Ancient Greek (good).


flux rss Emma

flux rss Atelmed

flux rss Ehess-Gas


96 Bd. Raspail
75006 Paris, France
Tél. : +33 (0)1 53 10 56 53

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